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Saint Louis University Scholarship Recipient Profiles

Meet the Students You Support

捐赠者是所有经济背景的学生进入博彩网址大全的原因 world-class Jesuit education. Meet some of 博彩网址大全's outstanding scholarship recipients 并了解你所提供的经济援助是如何影响他们的大学的 and career goals.

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Nick Weaver

Saint Louis University School of Law


Nick Weaver (Law ’24)

博彩网址大全奖学金不仅仅提供经济援助,还提供学生 有了财务自由,就能在社区中有所作为. Nick Weaver (Law ’24) knows this from experience. 

韦弗最近获得了达根公共利益奖学金,一笔津贴 涵盖在低薪或无薪公立学校工作的学生的生活费用 interest jobs over the summer. It was created so 博彩网址大全 LAW students can pursue their passions and provide justice and legal services to all. 

“For 10 weeks, I worked at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of 帮助联邦检察官准备与毒品走私有关的案件 child exploitation,” Weaver said. “This was an extremely rewarding experience, and it put all of my classes thus far into perspective. The Dagen stipend was really helpful 因为它提供资金帮助支付每天的停车费和汽油费.” 

韦弗还担任志愿者组织Street Law的主席 programs at local schools and prisons. 

“我从博彩网址大全获得的奖学金给了我经济上的自由 少担心如何支付账单,多关注建立一个有意义的生活 career and giving back to the St. Louis community,” he said. 

Born and raised in St. Louis, Weaver loves the community and wants to practice law where he grew up. 他很感激那些支持他的学生的捐赠者 密苏里是一个更好的地方,让学生有机会接受那种教育 is unique to 博彩网址大全 LAW.

“作为一名slu培训的律师,不仅仅意味着获得执业执照 law. 这里的教师教导学生道德行事,并利用法律来造福那些人 on the margins of society,” Weaver explained. “As a school with a Jesuit mission, 我们认识到律法可以作为一种工具,将基督的信息传递给世界 用你所有的心,灵魂和思想爱上帝,爱你的邻居就像你自己一样.”

Camille Fuller

School of Education


Camille Fuller (Ed ’25)

在大一和大二之间,卡米尔·富勒(Camille Fuller, 25届毕业生)发现自己哭了.

"They weren't tears of helplessness but of joy," Fuller said. "Joy knowing that I 能继续做我热爱的事情吗."

富勒刚刚收到消息,她被授予Lay家庭基金会 Endowed Scholarship. In that moment, she went from worrying about affording tuition, 书,甚至食物,来庆祝她可以在没有资金的情况下继续上大学 burden. 

“这项奖学金对我来说意义重大,因为我不确定自己能负担得起 college for three more years," said Fuller. Fuller is a first-generation college student covering the cost of higher education completely on her own. 

就像她的同学比利肯一样,这位早期儿童教育专业的学生并不是简单地想要 to earn a diploma. 她的学位将意味着更多——不仅对她,而且对整个 young students she wants to teach. 

“作为一名黑人教育工作者,我的主要目标之一就是成为我学生的教育代言人 那些在课程或教育中看不到自己的人,”富勒说. She aims 先当幼儿园老师,再当园长和园长. 

“我想让像我这样的小女孩和男孩知道,他们也可以做到,”富勒说. “他们在大学里可以是独立的学生和黑人,尽管这可能很难, if there is a will, there is a way." 

Caroline Wright

School of Medicine


Caroline Wright (Med ’25)

卡洛琳·赖特(Caroline Wright, 25岁)去年夏天在做一名 博彩网址大全医学院暑期学者的助教 Program. 这个为期三周的项目旨在让有兴趣的青少年进一步了解 作为一名助教,赖特看到了他们的兴奋之情 as they learned about fun science topics. 

赖特说:“我曾经和他们一样,梦想着上医学院. “And here I am, living out my dream.” 

赖特能够完全专注于长期以来的愿望,因为学校 of Medicine Diversity Award. She said the scholarship, which covers living expenses, 这是她能把时间完全投入到学习而不是寻找的原因吗 a job to pay her bills. 

“它给了我极大的祝福,它让我有更多的时间专注于我的努力 学习如何帮助病人,尽我所能成为最好的医生,”赖特说. 

虽然她还没有决定自己的专业,但有一件事是肯定的:她想成为一名医生 他是一名医生,体现了博彩网址大全对cura personalis的重视,即对身心的关怀 还有精神——帮助处境脆弱的病人,确保不留下任何人 behind. 

“A 博彩网址大全 education goes far beyond book knowledge. This university is a powerful force 在教会学生如何永远不要忽视什么是重要的社区中: caring for others,” Wright said. “This education equips you with the life skills necessary 无论你走到哪里,都要留下积极的影响,成为这个世界的一线希望 desperately needs it.”

Sam Huster

College of Arts and Sciences


Sam Huster (A&S ’26)

As a freshman, Sam Huster’s (A&S ’26) 博彩网址大全 experience is just beginning. Even so, his first semester was full of milestones and self-discovery. 

“当我完成第一所大学的所有课程时,我喜欢那种如释重负和满足的感觉 assignments,” Huster said when recalling the fall term. Even more important was his realization that he wants to go into social psychology someday.

胡斯特并不是家里第一个成为比利肯的人——他的妹妹获得了两个学士学位 and master’s degree at 博彩网址大全, and she’s even a staff member now. Huster was able to 继承了家族传统多亏了博彩网址大全的优秀奖学金,这是 根据以前的学习成绩颁发给即将博彩网址大全的新生. 

“这项奖学金使我有可能去博彩网址大全,”Huster说. "If I didn’t have a scholarship, it would’ve been out of reach for me." 

参加博彩网址大全已经给Huster带来了无数的实践学习机会 and classes led by world-class faculty. He’s particularly grateful for the lasting connections he’s made with his professors.

“Professor Clint Johnson is absolutely my favorite instructor. He makes his lectures 他的课堂环境让学生们在提问时感到很自在。” Huster said. “我最近面试了他的研究实验室的一个职位,非常高兴 excited to continue working with him.”

He adds, “Our professors aren’t just here to teach. They’re invested in your goals 教育你们用你们的学位博彩网址大全.”

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